What Happens

  • The plugin can synchronize with files referenced by internal Drive shortcuts.
  • Shortcut support is transparent. Simply configure the target database on Drive to be the shortcut to the actual file containing the database.
  • Note that the shortcut can have a different name than the file it points to.
  • Shortcuts and the files they reference may reside anywhere in Drive, including a configured Target Folder.

How it Works

  • When performing a sync op, the plugin looks for a Drive object with the same name as the local database file, for example, “MyDatabaseShortcut.kdbx” (for details, see the Syncing Your Database topic).
  • If plugin determines “MyDatabaseShortcut.kdbx” is a shortcut, the object it references is queried to determine the type of Drive object the shortcut points to (shortcuts can reference files or folders).
  • If the shortcut references a file, for example, “MyDatabaseFile.kdbx”, the plugin uses “MyDatabaseFile.kdbx” to synchronize with the current KeePass database.

Use with Care!

Drive shortcuts are a powerful feature for organizing your files. When synchronizing to a shortcut, be certain the file being referenced is the intended target file, especially when using the Download and Upload commands.

Shared File Restriction

It is possible to create a shortcut to a file in the “Shared with me” special folder in Drive. This allows files to be accessed as if they resided in your own Drive folders.

Due to security issues however, the plugin will only safely synchronize such files when the session-stored authorization token feature is enabled.

KPSync for Google Drive™

Secure sync automation with Drive.